Search Results

Results 1821-1840 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

Rehearing Sought in E-Mail Privacy Case

A federal appeals court in Boston has been asked to take a second look at a decision that some say could have a far-reaching effect on the privacy of Internet communications in the United States ...

Survey Finds Spammers Embracing Sender Authentication

Sender authentication might work as a club to beat down phishing attacks on Web denizens, but it does little to fight spam. That's the finding of a study released this week by CipherTrust, a messaging security firm in Atlanta ...


Transforming Copy Protection from Roadblock to Rosetta Stone

The words "copy protection" make Adam Gervin wince. Gervin is senior marketing director for the entertainment technologies group at Macrovision, in Santa Clara, California. Macrovision is a company best known for cooking up ways to thwart the copying of movies and music from tapes and discs ...

Is Microsoft Mellowing Toward Open Source?

A recent blog posting by a Microsoft project manager spawned ablizzard of discussion on one of the Internet's major tech forums andgenerated speculation that Microsoft may be ready to improve its relations with the open-source community ...

US Still Tops Spammer List

Despite a drop in its overall share of global spam, the United States remains the number one originator of unsolicited e-mail in the world ...

Macrovision CD Protection To Be Apple Compatible

It's as jarring as former First Lady Nancy Reagan saying yes to drugs ...

DSL Outgrows Cable by 8 Percent

For the first time ever, the major providers of DSL broadband services garnered more new subscribers in a calendar quarter than their cable television competitors ...

Security Expert Warns Schools About Infected Laptops

The desire to learn won't be the only thing returning with students to their universities this fall College IT departments can expect a wave of viruses, worms and other computer nasties to accompany their charges as they connect their computers to their college's networks ...

MS Targets Linux, Pirates with New ‘XP Lite’

Microsoft has introduced a new version of Windows XP designed for computers sold in emerging markets -- and analysts contend that is a sign that the Redmond, Washington-based software giant is worried about threats to its leading market position by Linux as well as to its bottom line by pirates ...

Linux Set To Unseat Apple as Number Two Desktop OS

It might be a dubious distinction at best, but it's one that Apple has had for a very long time: second most popular desktop operating system. Now that mantle appears destined to belong to Linux ...

Phishers Dangle More Hooks in June

Phishing attacks increased 19 percent in June over May, according to a report released by the Anti-Phishing Working Group ...

FCC Move Boosts Wireless Broadband

In a move expected to be a stimulant for the high-speed wireless market, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted an order to restructure frequencies within one of the several bands used for wireless broadband communication ...

Virus Attacks Climb 21 Percent in First Half of 2004

Virus writers busily scribbled code during the first half of 2004,introducing 4,677 new viruses into the wild, a 21 percent increase overthe same period last year, according to a report released by Sophos, aninternational maker of antivirus and antispam software ...

Mozilla Usage Flat in July Following June Surge

After a growth surge that contributed to the decline in market share ofMicrosoft Internet Explorer (IE) for the first time in six years, usageof the Mozilla browser flattened out during much of this month ...

HP Says Microsoft Open-Source Memo Now Irrelevant

Hewlett Packard has issued a statement calling a two-year-old internal memo that has been circulating on the Internet and raises fears that Microsoft would mount a litigation campaign to "shut down open-source software" now outdated and largely irrelevant ...

Microsoft Forms New Entertainment Convergence Group

Microsoft has formed a new Media/Entertainment & Technology Convergence Group, a move analysts say is calculated to build trust between the Redmond, Washington, technology giant and the media and entertainment industries. ...

Movie Makers, Tech Firms Ink DVD Copying Pact

In an apparent move to avoid the mistakes made by the recording industry in managing digital forms of its intellectual property, two movie studios have cut a deal with several major technology companies -- including Microsoft and IBM -- to develop a scheme that will allow limited copying ofnext-generation DVDs ...

IE Market Share Tumbles for First Time in Six Years

After more than 70 months without a significant drop in its share of the U.S. Web browser market, Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) saw its hold on the mouse clicks of Web surfers slip by one percent over the last month ...

Worldwide Software Piracy Losses: $29 Billion

More than a third of the software on the world's PCs has been pirated from its makers, according to a study released yesterday by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), whose members include Adobe, Apple, Cisco Systems, IBM and Microsoft ...

Digital Television Liberation Project Launched

A move to help TV viewers avoid restrictions on digital broadcast signals scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2005 has been launched by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ...

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