Search Results

Results 1781-1800 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

Gadget Produces Surround Sound from a Laptop

Laptops are loveable computers ...

US Standing Firm on Deadline for Biometric Passports

The United States appears to be digging in its heels on the deadline for its rules requiring visitors to its shores to have passports containing biometric information ...


Small ISP Breaks Ground with Wireless Broadband Network

Fall River, Mass., is an old textile town sprawled along the hillson the banks of the Taunton river, its salad days more than a century behind it. Although located only some 50 miles south of Boston and its high-tech "Golden Horseshoe," Fall River has never been associated with the phrase "state of the art" -- until last week ...


Rip Audio from Sound Cards with Audio Record Wizard

Earlier this year, the new Napster was given a bit of a fright when reports began circulating that its recently introduced subscription service had been "hacked." Those reports stung Napster in two ways ...

Letter Demands Open Access to Global IP Rights Forum

More than 1,000 individuals and groups have signed a letter urging the U.N.'s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to open its meetings next month on global patent and copyright policy to more government outsiders ...


Apple Mini: Little Box of Wonders

The thinking inside the box for producing a personal computer for users with shallow pockets is to start subtracting features from a more expensive model until you reach the price point you want, then toss the works into the same dull cabinet as the pricier offering ...

Computers with Security Chips Poised for Takeoff

When Dell Computer announced last month that it would begin shippingnotebook computers incorporating a chip to make the units more secure, itsent analysts scurrying to their calculators. That's because Dell'sinclusion of "trusted computing" hardware into its machines would be givingthe technology a big boost in the coming year ...

Spies and Bloggers

Could the American spy community improve its intelligence activities throughblogging? A captain in the U.S. Army Reserve thinks so and says as much inthe March issue of Wired magazine ...

Terrorists Target Indian Offshoring Firms

American companies have always had to worry about their overseas facilitiesbeing red, white and blue bull's-eyes for terrorists, but now their offshoringpartners may be in the crosshairs of subversives, too ...

Congress Mulls Decency Rules for Cable TV

Comments by a powerful U.S. senator sent a shudder through the cable andsatellite television communities this week ...

P2P Defenders Issue Warnings on Grokster Case

Supporters of file-sharing programs Grokster and StreamCast scourgedthe entertainment industry yesterday following the filing of briefs with theU.S. Supreme Court in a case that could be Armageddon for the peer-to-peersoftware industry ...

Breakthrough in Solar Power Nanotech?

Has Nanosolar found the Holy Grail of solar energy? ...

‘Broadcast Flag’ Prompts Digital TV Debate

As a judicial panel heard arguments this week on a scheme to fight thepiracy of digital television broadcasts, a civil libertarian group in SanFrancisco launched a guerrilla program to undermine the plan ...

Consumers Should Read Before Clicking ‘I Accept’

Caution: Click-through agreements may be hazardous to your rights of privacyand free speech ...

Malware 101: University Offers Course on Spyware

The University of Calgary is at it again ...

PC Recycling on Congressional Agenda – Again

Congressman Mike Thompson is hoping three times is the charm for hislegislation to create a national recycling program for electronic waste ...

Feds Move To Thwart Diploma Mills

Federal regulators launched a two-prong attack this week on the US$200 million diploma mill industry, an industry populated with online enterprises where students can purchase a degree with minimal or no course work ...

Anti-Piracy Software from MPAA Draws Mixed Reviews

A free software program to help parents police illegal movie and music files on their household computers is garnering mixed reviews ...

California Bill Would Crack Down on P2P Developers

Anyone who sells, advertises or distributes peer-to-peer (P2P) softwarewithout taking "reasonable care" that the software won't be used for anunlawful act would be slapped with a fine up to US$2,500, a year in county jailor both under a bill filed in the California Senate last week ...

Internet Group Demands Surveillance Data from DOJ

A group that defends civil liberties on the Internet has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to determine if the government is secretly gathering information on the surfing habits of citizens ...

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