Search Results

Results 1741-1760 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

Forecaster Predicts Double-Digit Growth, Flat Revenues for PCs

Personal computer shipments this year and next will grow by double digits, but that won't translate into the big revenue gains for PC makers, according to a preliminary forecast released yesterday by Gartner, of Stamford, Conn ...

Microsoft Tests Rent-a-Game Market

Renting entertainment could be the wave of the future, and Microsoft isn't about to miss it ...


New Nikon Digital SLR Has the Right Stuff

If you've ever owned an SLR camera, you can probably remember the first time you held it in your hands. I do ...

BellSouth Baits Broadband Customers With Napster

In an aggressive move to entice dial-up surfers to upgrade to broadband service, BellSouth announced a deal with Napster yesterday that the Baby Bell hopes Websters will find hard to refuse ...

Online Sales Beat Expectations in Q2

Online sales approached US$39 billion in the quarter ending in June, according to a report from Boston-based Forrester Research ...

Online Ad Revenue to Double to $18.9 Billion by 2010

Another sign that e-commerce has come of age appeared yesterday as JupiterResearch predicted online advertising would reach US$18.9 billion by 2010 -- almost double last year's gross of $9.6 billion ...

Analyst Recommends Marketers Get on RSS Bandwagon

Real Simple Syndication (RSS) -- the technology used to create feeds of information directly to a user from Web sites and blogs -- is in its nascent stages of development, but it's one marketers should be taking a hard look at as a future vehicle for their wares ...

Bloggers Cautioned About Being Copy Cats

Sloth can be a deadly sin, or at least a potentially litigious one, and the rise of blogging on the Internet has peaked concern about this pitfall ...


Disposable Video Camera Convenient, Accessible

At first blush, the idea seemed a little wacky to me ...

Pop-Up King Follows the Money to New Focus

Claria Corp. makes some US$100 million a year selling pop-up advertising on the Internet, but with the launch of its PersonalWeb product this month, it's hoping to hitch a ride on a bigger gravy train ...

Pop-Ups Top Web Surfers’ Pet Peeve List

Web surfers are annoyed as hell and they're doing something about it ...

IBM Acquisition Pumps Its E-Form Muscle

IBM, in a move to bolster its presence in the electronic forms market, is expected to close a deal tomorrow to acquire developer PureEdge Solutions. Terms of the acquisition have not been made public ...


RSS News Feeders Come in Many Flavors

Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, is a convenient way to funnel news to your desktop -- if you have an "always on" connection ...

Google Posts Record Number of Searches in Q2

Internet search powerhouse Google garnered 37.6 percent of all U.S. search queries on the Internet in this year's second quarter, according to comScore Networks, a Net metrics service firm. That's the largest market share that Google has had in a quarter since comScore began compiling its search reports in December 2003 ...

Report on Domain Hijacking Gets Mixed Reaction

A report by an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) panel on domain hijacking that was intended to raise a red flag in the Internet community about the practice has been met with mixed reaction, leaving at least one victim seeing red ...

New .mobi Domain Approved but Challenges Remain

Action yesterday by the body that governs the Internet to create a .mobi domain is being touted as a major advance toward making the Web more hospitable to mobile phone users, but according to one analyst the move might be more redundant than revolutionary ...


Future of RSS Looks Rosy

RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, but for technologists with an eye on the Internet's future, it stands for much, much more ...

Confab to Promote E-Mail Authentication

E-mail authentication -- considered by many spam fighters as an important first step in reducing unsolicited correspondence on the Internet -- will be the focus of a summit conference to be held in New York City next Tuesday ...

Court: Trademarks No Bar to Pop-Up Tool

Pop-up advertising on the Web might be annoying, but not as annoying as what would happen if trademark law were used to squash them, according to a federal appellate court in New York ...


With SpotLock, Hit Hot Spots Without Getting Burned

Now that summer has finally arrived, you can start to train your thoughts on vacation -- and what to bring with you when you take it ...

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