Search Results

Results 1761-1780 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

European E-Commerce Feeling Pinch from ID Theft

European consumers are being driven away from online banking and commerce by fears that their identities will be stolen and their financial resources raided by information highwaymen ...


Gateway M680 Notebook Delivers Value for Business Use

Gateway has come to the table with its 17-inch widescreen notebooks a little later than some of its competitors, but its latest offering in this category illustrates, once again, that it's capable to delivering excellent value without skimping on performance ...


Better PC Security Years Away

Emerging technologies could lead to a quantum leap in PC security, but the realization of that advance is still years away, industry experts say ...

Companies Not Keeping Up With Network Security Needs

Most companies depend exclusively on perimeter defenses to protect their computer networks from intruders, a practice that appears to be more sieve than stone wall, according to a survey released yesterday by Vernier Networks, a network access management firm in Mountain View, Calif ...


Marketer Captures Eyeballs with Screensavers

Online marketers are in a quandary. Their customers prefer e-mail as a vehicle of communication, but spammers have poisoned that well, making it very difficult for legitimate advertisers to deliver their messages to their loyal customers ...

Monster Adds ‘Bells and Whistles’ in Marketing Change

Almost since its inception, has been the biggest job board on the Internet and number one stop for job seekers in Cyberspace. Yesterday, the Web site, which is the flagship of Monster Worldwide, announced two moves designed to maintain its stature as the leading career site on the Internet ...


A Notebook that Mixes Pleasure with Business

If you're looking for a laptop, you couldn't have picked a better time. New models seem to be appearing on a weekly basis, each with its own mix of features to entice buyers ...


New DSL Standard Promises 10 Times the Speed

An international standards group has approved a new DSL standard that it says will increase the technology's upstream and downstream speeds to as much as 100 megabits per second -- 10 times faster than the fastest DSL now offered by carriers ...


Researchers Aim To Protect DVDs with RFID

Ask any box office expert to name the holy trinity of movie attendance and they'll tell you: big screen, big sound and immediacy -- getting to see a movie when it's released ...

FTC Launches Attack on Zombie Spammers

The Federal Trade Commission today launched "Operation Spam Zombies," a campaign to encourage Internet service providers (ISPs) to crack down on compromised computers within their networks that are being used to spew spam onto the Internet ...

Award of E-Mail-Related Patent to Microsoft Questioned

Microsoft was awarded a patent this week for a "system and process for allowing a user to treat e-mail addresses as objects" -- a patent called "obvious and trivial" by one critic of the filing ...


Olympus Debuts Classy Digital Recorder

Digital voice recorders don't have the flashy visibility of their music-playing brethren, but their utility can't be denied ...


Open-Source Web Editor Makes a Tasty Free Lunch

Everyone has heard the expression, "You get what you pay for." It suggests that the functionality of something is directly proportional to its price. But that rule of thumb is being turned on its head by open-source software ...

Microsoft Launching Wide-Ranging Mobile OS Today

In the comic book series X-Men, Magneto is a supervillain bent on world domination. Microsoft is associating its Magneto with world domination, too -- domination of the global mobile operating system market ...


Fight Heats Up over Municipal WiFi

Philadelphia might be known as the city of brotherly love but what it's generating with its experiment with government-sponsored wireless broadband access is far from that emotion ...

Bill Would Force Car Makers To Share Computer Code

Anyone who has ever bought a car knows that one of first hard choices they must make is how to service it. Do you stick with the dealer who sold it to you, or do you take it to one of the 495,000 businesses providing after-market service to auto owners? ...


Roxio Upgrade Worth Price of Admission

For a long time, while Apple computer users enjoyed the advantages of an integrated multimedia software suite, Windows users who wished to experience the i-life had to be satisfied with standalone applications or meek integrated products. Then Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 entered the picture ...


Sony Breaks Size Barrier with New Camcorder

How small can a full-feature consumer camcorder get? Sony is certainly pushing the limits with its latest entry in its digital Handycam family of products ...

Patent Office Says Critics Wrong, Complete Review Provided

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has responded to criticism that its system for approving patents is flawed ...

Tech Heavyweights Rally Around EC on Microsoft Appeal

An tech industry organization advocating interoperability has asked a European court to allow it to join the European Commission (EC) in defense of its antitrust decision against Microsoft ...

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