Search Results

Results 1801-1820 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

Developer Raps Linux Security

A developer of security software for Linux had some harsh words yesterday for what he sees as a lax attitude toward security in the operating system's community ...

BitTorrent Loyalists Donate Cash To Fight MPAA

A call for financial support by the operator of a BitTorrent server that'sbeen targeted by the motion picture industry as a hub for pirated films hasachieved initial success ...

Craigslist Costs Newspapers $65 Million in Ads Each Year

A popular online community for selling goods and finding jobs and housing isdiverting US$50 million to $65 million annually in classified advertising fromnewspapers in the San Francisco Bay area, according to ClassifiedIntelligence, a consulting firm in Altamonte Springs, Florida ...

Internet Lib Group Backs Anonymity Project

A group dedicated to preserving civil liberties on the Internet announced this week that it's throwing its weight behind the development of a technology to foster anonymity in cyberspace ...


Ken Beer of Tumbleweed on E-Mail Authentication

Spam and its evil offshoot, phishing, have become growing problems on the Internet. Not only has spam become a nuisance with its frequently offensive subject matter, but it is consuming increasing amounts of bandwidth. According to a report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, an estimated 50 percent of all e-mail in 2003 was spam, which may have chewed up US$20.5 billion in technical resources...

Bug Ferret Gives Linux High Grades

A company that makes a tool for finding bugs in software code disclosed this week that the Linux kernel is far less flawed than many programs people pay money for ...

Skills Shortage Could Mean Growing Pains for Open Source

Industry analysts say the fastest growing operating system in the world -- Linux -- could be experiencing growing pains as growth outpaces the supply of IT professionals with expertise in this area ...

Universities Crack Down on Alleged Spyware Program

Universities have begun thwarting the operation of software that promises to accelerate Internet performance and protect its users from malware infections because they feel the program is actually spyware ...

Universal Music Debuts Digital-Only Label

Landing a contract with a major record label can be nirvana for an artist,but it's a heaven out of reach for many musicians. That's because backingan act is risky business. While record companies can make millions from an artist's success, they can also lose millions, if the artist fails tocatch on with the public ...

Adobe Gearing Up To Ride Open-Source Wave

Recent low-key efforts by Adobe Systems to bolster its presence in the Linux community makes good business sense, according to one analyst who covers the company ...

Sun Lures Developers with Open-Source Solaris

Expectations are high that Sun Microsystems will make some significant announcements this month about an open-source version of its Solaris operating system ...

Analyst: Red Hat Conceding Defeat in US

The world's largest distributor of Linux expects 50 percent of its revenuesto be coming from overseas sales within the next year -- a revelation oneanalyst sees as a bit of a capitulation ...

Five Zombies Do All the World’s Phishing

Less than a handful of zombie network operators are responsible for all thephishing attacks in the world, according to CipherTrust, an Atlanta-basedmessage security firm ...

Mobile Phones Sniff Out Campaign Contributors

Have you ever felt a burning desire while taking your dog for a walk to knowhow much money your neighbors have contributed to the Democratic andRepublican parties? Well, now you can whip your cell phone out and find out ...

Judges Take Second Look at E-Mail Privacy Decision

A court decision that civil libertarians argue could have a far-reachingeffect on the privacy of Internet communications in the United States willbe reviewed again by federal judges in Boston ...

New Software Vaccinates Against ‘Zero Day’ Virus Attacks

When was the last time you updated your anti-virus software? ...

Digital TV Transition Bill Wins Committee Approval

While consumers have been slow to move to digital TV, that hasn't deterred Congress from trying to goose the transition process ...


Financial Institutions Unwitting Accomplices of ID Thieves

Financial services companies might be unwitting contributors to the nation's identity theft problem, according to a report from Forrester Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts ...

Transitive Claims Breakthrough on Software Emulation

For companies burdened with legacy systems they can't seem to get rid of, this could be the jackpot they've been waiting for ...

Malware Writers Using Open-Source Tactics

The techniques used to develop open-source software like Linux have proven to be so effective that they've been adopted by malware writers to improve their mischievous ways ...

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