Search Results

Results 1841-1860 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

Electronic Frontier Foundation Targets ‘Abusive’ Patents

As part of its "Patent Busting Project," the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) yesterday released its "Ten Most Wanted" patents -- patents it claims pose the greatest threat to the public domain ...

Eric S. Raymond: Sun ‘Thrashing’ for Direction

To kick off its big JavaOne party for its software developers in San Francisco this week, Sun Microsystems made a flurry of announcements aimed at rekindling enthusiasm for the once high-flying company's future prospects. But some critics of the Santa Clara, California enterprise remained unimpressed by the festivities ...

Survey Finds File-Sharing Networks Boost CD Buys

File-sharing appears to boost music CD buying, according to survey results released by, a maker of file-sharing software ...

Experts Question WiFi Revenue Models

Hot spots for making wireless connections to the Internet are popping up in places like MacDonald's, Starbuck's and Panera's, but WiFi remains just a side dish for outfits trying to make a buck from the technology ...

Foes Clash over State Online Anonymity Law

The entertainment industry and civil liberties advocates have their dirks leveled at each other's throats again -- this time over a proposed California law aimed at protecting anonymous free speech on the Internet ...

File Sharers Deserting Kazaa’s FastTrack Protocol

FastTrack, once the darling of online file-sharers, appears to be losing its popularity ...

Microsoft Media Player 10 Targets iTunes

Microsoft released a "technical beta" of Windows Media Player 10 yesterday, and while the target date for the prime-time version isn't until later this year, there's little doubt now who is in the crosshairs with this incarnation of the software ...

Spamhaus Sets Up Shop in China

After some friendly negotiations with local authorities, Spamhaus, a volunteer organization fighting the proliferation of unsolicited e-mail across the globe, has established operations in China with the launch of a new Web site, ...

Loudeye Pushes P2P Antipiracy Tech

It may not be a perfect deterrent to illegal file-swapping on the Internet, but it comes very close to it ...

Xerox To Appeal PalmOne Ruling

A federal court ruling that dismissed a seven-year-old patent infringement lawsuit against PalmOne's Graffiti handwriting recognition system will be appealed by Stamford, Connecticut-based Xerox Corporation ...

EC Passes Controversial Patent Directive

The European Commission (EC) has passed a controversial directive that opponents claim will bolster the lot of big companies at the expense of small ones and will stifle innovation ...

Kazaa Wins Procedural Victory in Aussie Court

The Australian recording industry's bid to eyeball material gathered in a series of raids at the sites of alleged music pirates -- including Sharman Networks, maker of the popular online file-sharing program Kazaa, and Sharman partners Altnet and Brilliant Digital Entertainment -- was deflated last week in a proceeding in a New South Wales federal court...

Arrest of Winny Author ‘Overkill’

The arrest this week of the Japanese author of a popular online file-sharing program appears to be an extreme reaction, at least by American standards, to his alleged abetting of copyright infringers, according to a patent attorney in Chicago ...

Handhelds Expected To Grab Spotlight at E3

As video-game makers from around the world gather at the 10th annual Electronic Entertainment Expo -- known in the industry as E3 -- in Los Angeles this week, handheld hardware is expected to garner much of the buzz emanating from the show ...

Analysts Consider Sony’s New Music Store

There's yet another pay-per-tune music store on the Net, this time launched by media behemoth Sony through its Sony Connect subsidiary in Santa Monica, California ...


Tumbleweed’s Ken Beer on E-Mail Authentication

Spam and its evil offshoot, phishing, have become growing problems on the Internet. Not only has spam become a nuisance with its frequently offensive subject matter, but it is consuming increasing amounts of bandwidth. According to a report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, an estimated 50 percent of all e-mail in 2003 was spam, which may have chewed up US$20.5 billion in technical resources...

Microsoft Updates DRM, Code-Named Janus

Microsoft yesterday pulled the wraps off the latest version of its digital rights management (DRM) software, a move awaited with great anticipation in some corners of the online music universe ...

Russian Web Site Sells Songs by the Megabyte

Tired of paying 99 cents a track for your music downloads? Try paying for them by the megabyte ...

Apple Rivals Ready Ways To Knock Off iTunes

When Apple raised the curtain on its online digital music store a year ago this week, there were more than a few skeptics in the audience. Why, they asked, would websters buy something they could get for free through numerous file-sharing networks? ...

IBM, Microsoft Eschew New Grid Group

A new group committed to evangelizing grid computing formed this week, with its inaugural roster boasting such high-tech heavy hitters as Oracle, Sun Microsystems, EMC, NEC, Fujitsu Siemens and HP. ...

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