Search Results

Results 1861-1880 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

OSRM Debuts Linux Legal Insurance

Joining the ranks of Linux distributors HP, Novell and Red Hat, a companynamed Open Source Risk Management (OSRM) has launched a program to protectlarge and small users from legal entanglements arising from adoption of theopen-source operating system ...

Google Loosens Reins on Trademarked Keywords

Google, operator of the most popular search engine on the Internet, tried to avoid fanfare when it quietly notified some 150,000 advertisers through e-mail that it was modifying its policy on selling keywords that contained trademarked material. Instead, it's ignited a controversy ...

Bills Filed To Regulate VoIP

While the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mulls over what to do about services for making phone calls on the Internet, two legislators have decided that the U.S. Congress should get into the act ...

ICANN Seeks To Dismiss VeriSign Antitrust Claims

The group empowered with overseeing administration of Internet domain names and addresses has asked a federal court judge to dismiss antitrust and breach-of-contract claims leveled against it by VeriSign, which runs the registry for two of the most popular top-level domain extensions on the Internet -- .com and .net ...

Forrester Study Recasts Microsoft Security

Is Linux more secure than Windows? ...

Proposed Bill Would Criminalize File-Sharing

A bill to criminalize file-sharing on the Internet is moving rapidly through the U.S. Congress ...

EC Ruling Will Have Little Short-Term Impact on Microsoft

The European Commission's finding that Microsoft has abused its monopoly market presence and the penalties stemming from that finding won't have a dramatic short-term impact on the operations of the Redmond, Washington-based software giant, according to one analyst ...

Proposed Top-Level Domains Target Porn, Spam, Jobs

Porn, spam and jobs are among the subjects found in the latest list of proposed top-level domains (TLDs) hoping to join the ranks of .com, .net, .org and others ...

Malware Writers Target P2P Networks with Phatbot and Polybot Variants

Some malware that packs an unusual assortment of tools for mischief and has infected thousands of computers on the Internet is being closely watched by security experts ...

State Prosecutors May Be Mulling P2P Crackdown

State attorneys general meeting in Washington, D.C., this week may be weighing a move to crack down on makers of Internet file-sharing software ...

New European Parliament Directive Targets Digital Pirates

A measure aimed at countering product piracy of all sorts -- from digital music to ladies' handbags -- has produced a sour aftermath following its approval by the European Parliament this week ...

First CAN-SPAM Lawsuit Could Open Floodgates has long been recognized as a magnet for homeowners starting home improvement projects, but it also may become a milestone for attorneys searching for ways to crank up their cash flow ...

Kazaa Loses Round One in Australia

An attempt to exclude evidence from a music piracy case seized in sweeping raids by the Australian recording industry has been rejected by a federal court judge ...

IETF Conference Debates Antispam Proposals

The recent rush to adopt technologies for countering e-mail abuses like spam and phishing could pose a dangerous threat to freedom on the Internet ...

Plan Unveiled To Quell Music Industry-P2P Hostilities

In what could be a blueprint for the future of sharing commercial music on the Internet, the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Wednesday released a white paper outlining a scheme to squelch squabbles between the music industry and online peer-to-peer networks over music file-sharing in cyberspace ...

Xerox PARC Veterans Picked for Prestigious Draper Prize

In what's been called the "Academy Awards for Engineers," four distinguished figures in personal computer history will be awarded the Charles Stark Draper Prize tonight at a dinner in Washington, D.C ...


Phishing Scams Jump 52 Percent in One Month

The amount of Internet fraud perpetrated using a practice known as "phishing" increased 52 percent from December to January, according to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) ...

First Vulnerability from Stolen Code Revealed

The first vulnerability stemming from the Windows source code apparently leaked last week by one of Microsoft's developers has been posted on the Internet ...

After Aussie Assault, Sharman Squeezes Back

Sharman Networks has moved to nullify a court order that allowed agents of Australia's music industry to raid the company's offices in Sydney last week in search of evidence for a copyright infringement case against the owner and distributor of Kazaa, a popular Internet file-sharing program ...

Activists Seek Damages from Diebold over Copyright Abuse

Diebold Systems, a US$2 billion company that makes most of its money by manufacturing ATM machines but most of its headlines by producing electronic voting devices, found itself in court Monday for alleged abuse of copyright protections created by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) ...

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