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Results 1-20 of 585 for Jim McGregor

Apple Refreshes Product Lines, Introduces New Ultra Watch

"Most of these devices are just upgrades," asserted Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm in Phoenix "The only one that has a new usage model is the Apple Watch Ultra," he continued. "Some of the features they're...


Electronics Will Cost More in 2023

While we are accustomed to new generations of electronics costing about the same as the previous generation, the electronics segment is not immune to inflation. With recent announcements of semiconductor price increases beginning in 2023, consumers should move quickly to lock in lower prices this back-to-school and holiday season ...


Reality Check on the Virtual Universe: Metaverse or Metamess?

Since Facebook discussed the metaverse at Facebook Connect in October and officially rebranded the company to Meta, the metaverse has been the hot topic of the tech industry and one of the most overhyped and misunderstood concepts ...

Think Tank Calls for Policymakers To Grow AI, Not Choke It

Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst of Tirias Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm in Phoenix, Ariz., explained that how an AI tool performs depends on the quality of the data it's given and the bias of that information "A lot of the information going into ...

Microsoft Sets 2025 End Date for Windows 10 Support

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did. It's probably time for a branding update," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm in Phoenix, told TechNewsWorld Since there is significant value in the Windows trademark, Che...

Americans Balking at Buying Smart Home Devices

Consumers aren't alone in being puzzled by the worth of smart devices, added Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "Even builders don't understand the technology so they don't want to go there," he told TechNewsWorld. "They go with what they know, and ...

Scientists Press AI Researchers for Transparency

"This research is also considered confidential in the development of technology," Jim McGregor, a principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "Should technology companies be forced to give away technology they've spend billions of dollars in developing?" What res...

Contact-Tracing Apps Flop in the US

Adding to the problems created by fragmentation is the absence of coherent guidance from Washington. "We haven't had a federal government response," said Jim McGregor, founder of and principal analyst at Tirias Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm in Phoenix "So we...

Open COVID Pledge Makes Critical IP Freely Accessible for Pandemic Fight

"Many companies with cloud resources, such as Google, IBM, Microsoft and HPE have joined forces with U.S. government research labs and academia to form the COVID-19 High-Performance Computing Consortium to pull together the latest in computing resources for use by the research community," noted Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research...

Facebook, YouTube Crack Down on Conspiracy Theories Linking 5G to Coronavirus

It is not likely that social media platforms will be able to police everything, though, observed Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "AI is going to help but it's not perfect," he told TechNewsWorld. "There should be a way where -- like on Craigslist -- users ca...

3D Printers Join Arsenal of COVID-19 Weapons

"There will be a mixture of options, but, at this time, most are trying to assist any way they can," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "Not everything will be free, but it's good to see a mixture of options," he told TechNewsWorld....


Amid Disaster, COVID-19 Presents Opportunities

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, presents the biggest threat to the global economy since the Great Recession of 2008 -- not to mention the threat to human life. The outbreak already is decimating the travel and leisure industry, and forcing trade shows to scale down or cancel. ...

Saudi Hack of Bezos’ Phone Shines Bright Light on Security Challenges

That said, "security always ranks high on surveys of the things consumers want, but no one is ever willing to pay for it," remarked Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "As a result, it's never a priority." Security also is challenging because of the rapid pace ...

Google CEO Adds His Voice to AI Regulation Debate

"The reality is that once technology is introduced, people are going to experiment with it," observed Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm based in Phoenix "The whole idea of regulation is foolish. AI is going to be used in...


Don’t Expect Too Much From Electric Trucks

With the rise of electric cars, it was only a matter of time before electric trucks hit the market. Several electric vehicle (EV) startups -- including Bollinger, Lordstown Motors, Rivian and Workhorse -- have been working on developing electric pickup trucks for several years, but none have come to market yet. ...

Tech Firms Join Forces to Create Smart Home Connectivity Standard

Most devices in smart homes use WiFi and Bluetooth rather than Zigbee, pointed out Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "So, if you want a solution that fits the home, you need the WiFi Alliance and the Bluetooth Special Interest Group," he told the E-Commerce ...

Amazon Ratchets Up Competition in 5G, Hybrid IT

"Applications like streaming and gaming will drive 5G with consumers," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research 5G will enable Industrial Internet of Things applications, he told TechNewsWorld. "However, the driver really is artificial intelligence and applicati...

Amazon Makes Quantum Computing Accessible as a Service

Quantum computing is important to many in the United States government, noted Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. Not being able to offer quantum computing "may impact the potential for government contracts," he told the E-Commerce Times....


HPC and AI Are Changing the World

During the recent SC19 supercomputing conference, the top semiconductor and systems vendors discussed and demoed the highest-performance computing solutions in the world. While it's easy to imagine these platforms solving some of the most challenging problems, and simulating everything from the human genome to climate change, there are thousands of other applications that can benefit from HPC as well.


Demystifying 5G – It’s Real and It’s Here

Every decade the wireless industry transitions to a new cellular technology, and every generation there are doubts about the new technology. This continues with 5G. ...

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