Search Results

Results 121-140 of 1922 for John P. Mello Jr.

Massive Typosquatting Racket Pushes Malware at Windows, Android Users

A large-scale phishing campaign built on typosquatting is targeting Windows and Android users with malware, according to a threat intelligence firm and cybersecurity website ...

Metaverse Maybe a Moneymaker for Enterprises by 2027

In five years, 40% of large organizations worldwide will be using a combination of Web3, AR cloud, and digital twins in metaverse projects aimed at increasing revenue, research and advisory firm Gartner predicted Monday at its IT symposium in Orlando, Fla ...

Report Finds Biometric Data Threatened by Social Media

Sharing high-resolution media online can unintentionally expose sensitive biometric data, according to a report released Tuesday by a cybersecurity company ...

IIHS Study Finds Drivers Confused About Motor Vehicle Automation

Many operators of semi-automated motor vehicles drive as if their autos are fully automated, despite the crash risks of doing so, according to a study released Tuesday by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) ...

Adobe Sees 2022 Holiday Season Sales Hitting $209.7B Online in US

Online sales in the U.S. should reach US$209.7 billion during this year's holiday season, an increase of 2.5% over 2021, according to a report released Monday by Adobe ...


Google Cloud Introduces New AI-Powered Medical Imaging Suite

Applying artificial intelligence to medical images can be beneficial to physicians and patients, but developing the tools to do it can be challenging. Google on Tuesday announced it's ready to meet that challenge with its new Medical Imaging Suite ...

Social Media Account Hijacking Jumps 1,000% in Last 12 Months: Report

Hijacking of social media accounts has reached epidemic proportions in the last 12 months, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center ...

AI Gun Detection Firm ZeroEyes Awarded Air Force Drone Grant

A company that uses artificial intelligence to detect firearms in active shooting settings has been awarded a US$1.25 million grant by the U.S. Air Force to integrate the technology into existing unmanned aerial vehicles ...

Zero Trust SIM Boosts BYOD Security

For years companies have been allowing their workers to mix business and pleasure on their mobile devices, a move that's increased anxiety among cybersecurity professionals. Now a network security outfit says it has a way to secure personal mobile devices that might allow cyber warriors to sleep less fitfully ...

Researchers Find Consumer Satisfaction Remains High for PCs and TVs

PCs and TVs received high marks from consumers in a report released Tuesday by the American Customer Satisfaction Index ...

New AI-Powered Service Turns Portraits Into Talking Heads

Creative Reality Studio Video by John P. Mello Jr. The platform reduces the cost and hassle of creating corporate video content and offers an unlimited variety of presenters -- versus limited avatars -- including the users' own photos or any image they have the rights to use, ...

Upstart Search Engine Andi Delivers Answers, Not Lists

A new search engine powered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing is offering an alternative to the lists of web pages making up the results of a typical online search ...

Apple Refreshes Product Lines, Introduces New Ultra Watch

Apple refreshed its iPhone, Watch, and AirPods product lines at an online event Wednesday, as well as introducing a new Ultra watch for activity in challenging environments ...

EvilProxy Phishing Service Threatens MFA Protection of Accounts

A new phishing-as-a-service offering on the dark web poses a threat to online accounts protected by multi-factor authentication, according to a blog posted Monday by an endpoint security company ...

Tech Whistleblowers Prefer Loud Exit To Quiet Quitting

The penchant for tech whistleblowers to quit their jobs with a bang while many of their colleagues engage in "quiet quitting" should be a wake-up call to industry leaders, according to a blog penned by four Forrester analysts ...

Chinese Hackers Deploy Fake News Site To Infect Government, Energy Targets

A Chinese cyber espionage group has been using a fake news site to infect government and energy industry targets in Australia, Malaysia and Europe with malware, according to a blog posted online Tuesday by Proofpoint and PwC Threat Intelligence ...

Cloud Gaming Poised for Takeoff

The cloud gaming market appears to be ready for some substantial growth, although it will be tough sledding for new players to enter the scene ...

Accent Altering Voice Tech Aims To Replace Frustration With Communication

Having trouble understanding that person at the end of the support line you've called to get some customer service? A Silicon Valley company wants to make those kinds of problems a thing of the past ...

Forrester Report Cautions About Web3 Security

The next generation web -- Web3 -- has been hailed as more secure than the current incarnation of cyberspace, but a report released Tuesday warns that may not be so ...

DARPA Moves Forward With Project To Revolutionize Satellite Communication

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), best known for creating the internet, advanced its plan to revolutionize communication among low orbiting satellite networks by selecting 11 teams to work on its Space-Based Adaptive Communications Node program ...

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