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Results 1181-1200 of 1223 for Jay Lyman

Linux Hits Landmarks in Los Alamos Supercomputer Deals

Los Alamos National Laboratory announced plans with system builder Linux Networx to build a Linux cluster supercomputer, using AMD Opteron processors, that will rank among the top 10 of the world's fastest computers and will facilitate nuclear weapons research ...

SCO Yanks Second IBM License

Lindon, Utah-based software company SCO has broadened its licensing attack against IBM by terminating a Sequent license on the same grounds it used as the basis for its earlier claims against IBM. SCO maintains that its Unix source code was used in Linux and therefore violates SCO's rights ...

Web Services Interoperability Gets Boost Toward Standardization

Interoperability of different Web services specifications came closer to fruition with this week's release of the Basic Profile 1.0 by the Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) organization ...

Worm Takes Toll, Microsoft Attack Set

As some antivirus vendors raised their alert rating on a Windows worm that has infected thousands of home and corporate computers, the spreading code continued to take over machines that might be used in an attack on Microsoft ...

Windows Threat Realized – Blaster Worm Spreads

A widely anticipated threat materialized this week as a worm that exploits a Microsoft Windows flaw began infecting some of the millions of vulnerable machines around the world. ...

RIAA Subpoenas Rejected, Questioned

Privacy advocates and foes of the Recording Industry Association of America's campaign to subpoena the names of file-sharing computer users from universities and service providers have won a small battle in the war over online music trading. A U.S. District Court has invalidated the RIAA's subpoenas to two Massachusetts universities ...

Acxiom Database Hack Highlights Risk

Consumer information held by Acxiom, one of the largest collectors and processors of such data, was reportedly accessed and downloaded recently by an intruder who broke into the company's massive database ...

Linux Community Mounts Fight, SCO Responds

The Linux legal war increased in scope and ferocity this week as IBM coutersued SCO, which had claimed Big Blue wrongfully used SCO Unix source code in Linux. Meanwhile, the open-source community has almost unilaterally aligned against Lindon, Utah-based SCO by supporting the counterclaim. ...

Windows Vulnerability Scans Increase – Worm Likely To Follow

New coded exploits that take advantage of a widespread Microsoft Windows vulnerability have been posted online. By most reports, malicious scans to expose vulnerable systems are running rampant a week after government warnings regarding the flaw ...

Big Blue Hits SCO with Patent Counterclaim

IBM has added to the legal mix in its fight over source code claims by Lindon, Utah-based SCO Group, with a counterclaim against the smaller software company filed in court Thursday. ...

AMD Acquires National Semiconductor’s Geode Unit

Seeking to target the embedded applications market, chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices has announced the acquisition of National Semiconductor's Information Appliance (IA) unit and the Geode family of microprocessors ...

European Union Pursues Microsoft on Abuses

Referring to new evidence in its investigation of Microsoft's anticompetitive practices, the European Union's commission in Washington, D.C., has offered the software company one last opportunity to respond before pursuing remedies ...

IBM and SuSE Achieve Security Cert for Linux

The next major step for Linux might be to penetrate higher-security computing environments, primarily in government and financial services, thanks to a certification achieved by an open-source configuration from SuSE and IBM, the companies said ...

Denial-of-Service Attack Brings Down Microsoft

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack that took down Microsoft's Web site Friday, two days after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned of a widespread Windows vulnerability, is being investigated by the Redmond, Washington-based software company and law enforcement officials ...

MiMail E-Mail Worm Spreads Quickly

An e-mail worm posing as a system administrator message was rapidly spreading over the Internet as workers returned to the office Monday and unwittingly contributed to its proliferation by opening attachments ...

Intel Partners with Wave Systems to Put Security Into Chips

Security will move farther from the fallible hands of users and closer to the heart of the computer with a deal announced by Intel and Wave Systems. The deal will help bridge the gap between hardware and software protection ...

Sun and SuSE Ally on Java, Linux

Users of Sun Microsystems' hardware will now have another open-source software option thanks to an alliance between Sun and SuSE that means Sun will sell and support SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on Sun's x86 systems. ...

SBC Fights Back over RIAA Subpoenas

After receiving nearly 200 subpoenas to turn over information about users of its Internet service, communications giant SBC has filed suit against the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), calling the subpoenas a misapplication of copyright law ...

Sun’s Solaris Update Includes Open-Source Option

The latest update to Sun Microsystems' Solaris operating system includes the option of using the open-source Gnome desktop interface, but the network computing giant is still sending mixed signals on open source and Linux, according to industry analysts ...

Split Decision on SCO Impact, Response

The perceived impact of the Linux licensing claims by Unix software maker SCO on enterprise use of the open-source OS, much like the recommended response to SCO, is split, according to industry analysts ...

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