

XenSource CTO Simon Crosby Talks Up Xen Virtualization

Virtualization -- the use of multiple instances of operating systems, applications, or other software running on single hardware devices -- comes in many different forms and flavors, but among the most often mentioned of late is XenSource and its open source Xen virtualization technology. While stil...


Novell’s Roger Levy Sees Desktop Future for Linux

Novell is evangelizing its Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, but the company is not looking for an all-out war with software giant Microsoft. Rather, it is looking to find its niche on the business user's desktop. Novell has already gained Linux desktop momentum with transaction and fixed-function a...


Patent Activist Florian Mueller Shares EU Secrets

Florian Mueller is at it once again. The founder of the NoSoftwarePatents.com campaign that led to the European Union's landslide vote against a proposal for a software patent directive is ready for the next battle. The same forces that supported the software patent directive he successfully defeate...

Richard Stallman is a free software pioneer. As president of the Free Software Foundation and founder of the GNU Project, he is also an evangelist of a free society in which people have inaliable rights to run, study, copy and distribute software. As such, Stallman is often grieved when he reads new...


SteelEye CTO Sees Positive Trends for Linux in ’06

Linux has come a long way from its hobbyist roots. The open-source operating system has certainly gotten the attention of enterprises, governments -- and mighty Microsoft. This year saw the typical backbiting between proprietary and open software camps as Linux continued pushing its agenda. It also ...


GroundWork CEO Unveils Open-Source Vision

If you ask Ranga Rangachari what the future looks like, he'll tell you it's wide open -- for open source, that is. Rangachari took over as president and CEO of GroundWork Open Source Solutions in July and is prophesying massive change in the enterprise software market. Specifically, he envisions an ...


Sun VP Tom Goguen Discusses Evolution of OpenSolaris

Sun Microsystems is forging ahead with plans to build an open-source community around its Solaris operating system, and those plans have been met with both enthusiasm and skepticism. The latest development in Sun's open-source evolution is the creation of an OpenSolaris Advisory Board. The company a...

Firebird, an open-source relational database, emerged from the InterBase source code, release by Inprise Corporation -- now known as Borland -- in 2000. Firebird, which runs on Linux, Windows and a variety of Unix platforms, offers concurrency, high performance and powerful language support for stor...


The Groklaw Story, Part Two

Last week, LinuxInsider published a story looking at the role of Groklaw.net, an informational Web site dealing with The SCO Group's lawsuits against Linux users and supporters. The story contained both expressions of support for, and criticism of, Groklaw and its founder-publisher Pamela Jones, inc...

The diversity of operating systems and hardware in the datacenter is greater than ever before, while data software specifically designed to manage the different types of systems is becoming more widespread and popular. With a firsthand view of the evolution of Linux and its increasing role in today'...


From Browser to Platform: Mozilla Rises

Didn't Netscape lose the browser war? Mozilla, the technology that lies underneath Netscape products and a slew of its own products, just gets better and better. Netscape is effectively dead, but Mozilla keeps on keeping on. In 2010 we'll look back and say 2003 was the year that Mozilla really began...

The desktop may be the final frontier for Linux, but one company is using a combination of Windows interface strategy, Wal-Mart sales and a wide selection of software to try to match the inroads Linux has made in the corporate datacenter. That company is Lindows.com. There was much open-source hoop...

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