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Results 21-40 of 1223 for Jay Lyman

7 Crazy-Named, Crazy Good Open Source Enterprise IT Tools

Enterprise IT is a very serious matter, but you might not know it judging by the software tools that are often integral to enterprise application development and IT operations ...


A Fresh Look at OpenStack

The OpenStack project continues to be something of a lightning rod and also something of a dichotomy in the industry. ...

The Novena Open Hardware Laptop: A Hacker’s Dream Machine

Developing open source hardware laptops at this juncture might tie into some significant changes in client device computing, according to Jay Lyman, senior analyst for 451 Research "First of all, cloud computing is having an impact on nearly all devices and users, whether con...


Red Hat’s Acquisition-Fueled Climb to the Cloud

Red Hat is famous for its ability to focus squarely on a market and technology and build success from there, as it did with Linux. However, the company increasingly has diverged from its roots and historical laser focus on the enterprise x86 server market with Red Hat Enterprise Linux ...

Red Hat Fortifies RHEL 7 With Docker Support

RHEL 7 "marks Red Hat's embrace of cloud computing in a couple of ways, along with the operating system's usual dedication to enterprise stability and predictability," Jay Lyman, a senior analyst for enterprise software with 451 Research, told LinuxInsider Red Hat seeks to do...


Microsoft Opens .Net, Hops on Devops Bandwagon

Microsoft recently established a .Net foundation and open sourced substantial parts of the popular programming language, continuing to spread its newfound love for open source software. However, it's another movement -- devops -- that may be more of a driving factor in Microsoft's .Net move ...

GitHub Unleashes Atom Into Open Source Realm

Given that Atom packages always have been open source, "this isn't that big of a move," Jay Lyman, senior analyst for enterprise software with 451 Research, told LinuxInsider "However, it's good to have the actual software application or core code as open source to further fee...


Reading Into the Red Hat CentOS Deal

There was a somewhat quiet, cost-free acquisition of sorts in the Linux world earlier this year when Red Hat announced it was joining forces with Red Hat Enterprise Linux community clone CentOS. The move, which effectively brings organization, governance, backing and technology of CentOS under Red Hat's brim, is interesting for a few reasons. ...

GitHub Cofounder Resigns but Denies Harassment

Overall, "this matter highlights the fact that even though the IT industry and geek culture can be innovative and progressive, the reality is it is often antiquated and backward," Jay Lyman, a senior analyst with 451 Research, told LinuxInsider. "This is particularly so when...

Linux Distros Gone Today, Here Tomorrow

It's always "somewhat interesting and entertaining to see the ebb and flow of the top Linux distributions," Jay Lyman, a senior analyst with 451 Research, told LinuxInsider "One of the highlights is typically the Linux operating systems with staying power," he said. "After ye...


The Simmering Devops Debate

When open source software was still getting established in the enterprise five years ago or so, there was a lot of discussion about so-called open core ripoffs. The concern was that anyone and everyone was proclaiming an association with open source software, even if most or all of their products were proprietary. Today, a similar debate has arisen about devops, a convergence of software development and IT operations for optimal speed, efficiency and other advantages.


Open Source Is Woven Into the Latest, Hottest Trends

We may not see or hear much about open source in the latest cloud or Big Data offerings, but it's playing a significant role in the most disruptive trends in enterprise IT ...


The Great OpenStack-Amazon API Debate

The discussion and debate over open source cloud software's compatibility with cloud leader Amazon's proprietary APIs was just beginning when the 451 Group released "The OpenStack Tipping Point" in April. ...

The Linux Standard Base: Order From Chaos

"The LSB centers on a standard, consistent Linux operating system, despite the presence of many different Linux distributions, so that application support and certification can still be achieved across all or most Linux variations," Jay Lyman, senior analyst for enterprise software at 451 Research, told LinuxInsider...


What’s Behind the Hybrid Cloud Hype?

Hybrid cloud technology is garnering much attention of late -- whether for cutting-edge development and the continuous integration and release processes achieved through devops, or for traditional enterprise-proven approaches to infrastructure and applications. ...


OpenStack Gives the Open Source Cloud a Lift

Since its start in the summer of 2010, the OpenStack open source cloud computing project has been the subject of a lot of hype. Today, the technology, backers and users of OpenStack are giving substance to all of that sizzle, and skepticism is giving way to service provider and enterprise use cases across the globe. ...


Open Source’s Deep Dive Into the Enterprise

Server provisioning and configuration management and automation are the latest examples of where the tech industry is being driven, largely by open source software. The leading open source server and IT infrastructure automation frameworks, Opscode Chef and Puppet Labs' Puppet, sit on the leading edge of significant trends under way in enterprise IT -- particularly disruption from cloud computing and devops, where application development and IT operations come together for faster, smoother delivery of software and services...


Linux Netbooks: Hiding in Plain Sight

You just think that's a Chromebook beckoning you with an open source OS, easier upgradeability and fast connections to the cloud. All those qualities could make it a Linux netbook in disguise -- or at least what the netbooks of a few years ago promised before they all started selling preloaded with Windows. The key? More manufacturers buying into the flexibility of the Linux kernel in the Chrome OS...


The FOSS Effect on the Mobile OS Landscape in 2013

The year is starting out with what may turn out to be significant changes in the mobile operating system market, with open source software playing a significant role just as it has in enterprise software, virtualization and cloud computing ...

Why Cadence Is Canon at Canonical

One of the big attractions of the Linux OS is its ability to play nicely with diametric user groups. The dual audience for Linux distributions pits the unpaid, community versions as a complement to the paid, subscription Linux users, according to Jay Lyman, senior analyst for enterprise software at The 451 Group.

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