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Results 3301-3320 of 3455 for Rob Enderle

No Oxymoron: Attractive Bargain Notebook Computers

Budget ready or not, we are now moving into the countdown for Christmas, and it is time to start looking at some of the more interesting products you probably won't see at your local Best Buy ...

Microsoft To Appeal Denial of Its FAT Patent

Still, any patent case defeats hit Microsoft hard since it has moved to make licensing of technology to third parties a central part of its long-term strategy, Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said Patent Push...


Car Entertainment Tech To Make Your Neighbors Jealous

A little over a decade ago the market for aftermarket radios and gear for cars was relatively robust. At that time most car companies used standard-sized radios, and if you wanted to upgrade it was a relatively simple task ...

Microsoft Won’t Give SP2 Security Fixes to Older Browsers

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said some security experts' suggestions to change browsers as a security measure glosses over the fact that most security threats come from insiders to a network, not from the Web And while it might be too early to tell whether non-XP Microsof...


How To Justify New PC Hardware or Get Your CIO Fired

The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation has issued areportproviding strong guidance on how to assess exposure for personal technology, with a heavy focus on personal computers ...

Transitive Claims Breakthrough on Software Emulation

"In 2006, we could be seeing Windows running on Power," Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "And we can see the Mac on Windows -- either authorized or not -- because the capability will exist in the second half of next year to make that happen."


Avoiding Another Recession in Tech

We just had a back-to-school flop. There was no apparent marketing of technology products, particularly PCs. And, surprise, we now have inventory problems and companies are warning that Christmas might not materialize as a major buying event either ...

California Joins Suit Against E-Voting Vendor Diebold

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle suggested California might bear some of the responsibility for the problems as well. "The real problem here was the decision was rushed and based largely on the lowestprice," Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "That combination often results in the highest actual cost."


HP Gives Consumer Electronics a Wake Up Call

The consumer electronics industry has been in the doldrums for some time and it wasn't until personal computer-based technology started to creep in that we began to see, quite literally, what we had been missing ...

Microsoft Faces New Antitrust Suit

Analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group said the latest suit shows that despite the progress already made, it will be a while before Microsoft can put the antitrust matter to rest Enderle told the E-Commerce Times that Microsoft will likely choose to litigate a case -- and mi...


How To Deploy 20,000 PCs and Get a Promotion

Asset Management. They still don't have a good handle on where everything they bought actually is. While in better shape then they were, if Cummins had to do one thing over, it would be to make the asset manager a key team player at the front end, rather than at the end of the process. They now use a product called Eracent for asset management, and they swear by it. Financial Goals Exceeded The end result of the deployment exceeded its financial goals, without even taking into consideration the massive improvement in employee uptime, user satisfaction and company flexibility that Cummins now enjoys. Even though they will competitively bid this again when they do the next big roll out, they were pleased with IBM's help, and, given the problems, this makes the deployment a success in anyone's book. The lesson learned is that for complex projects to be successful, you need a strong leader, a strong team with dedicated qualified members, Six Sigma-like goals and measurements, a vendor who can execute and the full support of management. Success should have a very positive career impact. If any of this is missing, well, early retirement does have its benefits. However, I would suggest that doing this right might be the better choice. Rob Enderle, a TechNewsWorld columnist, is the Principal Analyst for the Enderle Group, a consultancy that focuses on personal technology products and trends. ...

Global Server Revenue Jumps in Second Quarter

"Dell took advantage of the weakness that was caused by the HP mistakes," Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "There is clearly pressure from Dell on HP and others in the space." ...

Macrovision CD Protection To Be Apple Compatible

"It's a realization that if the medium doesn't take into account these [online music] services, then people will begin bypassing that medium and simply purchase online," observed Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst of the Enderle Group in San Jose, California "You cou...


The Back to School Personal Computer

I come from a time when getting ready for school meant buying a couple of binders, some pencils and some new clothes you wouldn't be caught dead in. Transportation was a one-speed bicycle (no I didn't walk 10 miles in the snow, that was my grandfather), and high tech was a circular slide rule ...

Gauging the Google Effect

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said the performance of Google and its stock could determine whether there's a positive or negative spillover effect for the company's Silicon Valley neighbors and the rest of its tech brethren "If it drops like a rock it could do a lot of dam...

HP Pushes 64-Bit Integrity at HPWorld

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said Fiorina's actions were designed to quickly put last quarter's problems behind HP and focus the entire company on executing going forward "That kind of quick, decisive action goes a long way to setting a tone for the company," Enderle told...


Ethics and Industry Analysts

One of the biggest questions a person will deal with in his or her life, regardless of the career path, is ethics. We make trade-offs when we "borrow" a stapler from work, take a sick day to go fishing or play golf, and take credit for something that was done by someone else. In the wake of the Enron, WorldCom and even Martha Stewart scandals, maybe its time we took a look at our own ethics and, by way of example, I'll focus this week on industry and IT analysts...

HP Fires Three Top Executives

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times the moves have three main goals, including assuring investors and correcting the problem "But the most important is to show the other employees such behavior will not be tolerated," Enderle said. "An executive can't b...

Fiorina Takes Quick Action To Right HP

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times the moves have three main goals, including assuring investors and correcting the problem "But the most important is to show the other employees such behavior will not be tolerated," Enderle said. "An executive can't b...

AMD Pushes Security Capabilities of XP SP 2 and Athlon 64

"With buffer overflow attacks costing between $385 million and $1.2 billion, it has become absolutely critical that companies mitigate the related exposure," said Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst for the Enderle Group ...

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