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Results 3281-3300 of 3455 for Rob Enderle

Microsoft Eyes Linux, Unix with Vintela Investment

Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider that Microsoft is using a strategy similar to its NetWare play, providing a way for its products to co-exist with other vendor's products and then using that as a way to migrate folks from those other products to its own over time...

Microsoft To Rev Up Hiring in India

Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times that India is a great location for very talented, relatively low-cost labor "What Microsoft, as well as a number of other countries, have discovered is having localized resources in a particular geo...

Microsoft, Apple and the HP Gambit

The two major initiatives in the consumer market this year have to do with digital media, and they are from Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft's is the broad Media Center Edition that encompasses the home and provides your music on a variety of products, while Apple's is more targeted at just PCs (both Apple and Windows) and the iPod. The two companies overlap in only one area -- the Windows PC -- and even here they differ in approach. Apple is mostly music (although it just added still images to the iPod) and Microsoft has consistently pushed the envelope with music, pictures and video...

Dell Warns Intel with Talk of AMD Inside

Analyst and TechNewsWorld columnist Rob Enderle said that Dell and Intel have danced this dance before, only this time the tune has changed "Historically Dell has done this because they aren't getting the response they want from Intel and then Intel steps up and Dell doesn't m...

Microsoft Search Engine Out Tomorrow?

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said one lesson of the Netscape turnaround is that Microsoft is capable of pouring as much time, talent and money into a sector as necessary to make itself a player "The track record of coming from behind is there," he said. Other companies th...

Microsoft To Pay $536 Million To Settle Novell Suit

"They have done a great job of reducing their exposure and the risk involved with having these cases go to trial," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said. "But each time they settle a case, it's also a reminder of how many more are still out there." Recent settlement...


Baby Apples II: The Curse of Xerox

Last week I wrote about three companies that had either followed an Apple-like strategy (Gateway), utilized ex-Apple employees (OQO), or executed on a founding Apple principle (AMD/Microsoft) ...

MS To Provide Patch Alerts; New Attack Circulating

The timing of the two events underscores the work that lies ahead for Microsoft in the security space, analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group said "It must get frustrating for them to move what seems like one step forward and one step back," he said. "The good news is that t...

Intel, Microsoft To Debut ‘Digital Joy’ Campaign

Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, said Microsoft's ability to bring different companies together behind the media center PC has been key to advancing the digital home movement. He noted that Dell, Hewlett-Packard and others all make competing media center machines...

E-Voting Debate Continues in Aftermath of Election

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said the level of e-voting will likely approach 80 percent by the next presidential election "The concerns were largely unfounded, which should speed up the adoption of this technology," Enderle said. "Remember, ATM's and online bank...

Baby Apples: How the Apple Legacy Shapes New Products

There are many "what if" stories surrounding Apple, and one of them is this: What if, when Microsoft asked Apple to license its OS, Apple had done so, becoming the core technology in Windows instead of a closed platform ...

Technology in Education

When I first started college I bought a calculator. It was from Radio Shack, and it was hand-held, did basic math functions, had an LED display and cost, if you adjust for inflation, about what a laptop computer costs today. There are pre-kindergarten children today using technology that is vastly more advanced then what I had access to, and the pace is still accelerating...

No Intel Inside TV

"They have had a number of slip-ups this year," according to analyst Rob Enderle. "They are in the middle of leadership transition that can lead to mass turmoil inside a company. They have to fix this, and fixing it is not a given." Crumbled Chip...

Microsoft Feeling Heat from the Penguin

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said despite some initial arrogance toward open source, Microsoft has taken the threat seriously and is working to respond in what it believes to be the best way available "They've made it clear they're going to try to produce more i...

Enterprises Not Hot for Subscription Software

However, Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said it's too soon to tell whether the approach being fostered by, and others will be the model that emerges as the long-term winner "It's too early to call it," Enderle said. "The excitement is there, but ...

Intel Slashes Prices in Battle for Market Share

"They realize they're competing pretty heavily for every ounce of market share," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group and a TechNewsWorld columnist, said. "But you have to figure that AMD is going to respond." Prices Cut...

Evolving the PC: Media Center Redefines the Platform

The personal computer market got a much needed shot in the arm last week when Microsoft launched the latest version of its media center offering, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. We are rolling into the 4th quarter, which is critical to the PC industry, and the market is in the doldrums. But the new media center platform may have given this segment a whole lot more than just a shot in the arm...

Rumors Suggest Photo Ability To Be Added to iPod

"Apple has invested heavily in technology to edit pictures. Not having a portable device to show them seemed an obvious oversight that would be corrected once the price of the displays came down," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Next G...


Fighting for Leadership in the PC World

The Fall Processor Forum was held last week in the Silicon Valley. This show has become the counter to Intel's Developer Forum (IDF), and it probably should now be called "The Everything but Intel Microprocessor Forum." ...

Microsoft Angling for Music, Movie Consumers

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said Microsoft already enjoys great name recognition and a strong brand image among consumers "They are perceived as a company who can set standards and get things to work together, which is a powerful positive, however they also hav...

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