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Results 201-220 of 585 for Jim McGregor

‘Pac-Man’ Satellite to Munch on Space Junk

Cleaning up space "has been discussed for at least the past 20 years, but, as is the case with many global problems, little has been done," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research That's partly because many of the agencies have been defunded due to a loss of in...

IBM-Led Team Pulls Off Major Chip Feat

The economics of the new nodes "may become as great of a challenge as the technology," Tirias Research Principal Analyst Jim McGregor told TechNewsWorld Another problem concerns EUV lithography. "Current-generation technology is so well known, so well integrated, and so cheap ...

Artificial Intelligence Dreamtime

"This is about how we use databases to teach computers to learn," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "Right now, deep learning is still in its research phase; this is about perfecting the algorithms," he told TechNewsWorld....

Amazon’s Prime Day Could Turn Into Christmas in July

If Amazon makes a summer tradition of Prime Day, mid-July could become a lot more festive all around, suggested Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "Amazon sets the bar," he told the E-Commerce Times. "I would suspect that if they're doing Amazon Pri...

Musk Donates $10 Million to Keep AI From Going Rogue

"This entire topic distresses me," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "With every generation of technological advancement, there have been fears -- usually founded in ignorance," he told TechNewsWorld. "The Terminator scenario that many fear and that Holly...

Uncle Sam Wants a Hoverbike

"Fifty thousand dollars?" asked Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "I thought it would be much more expensive. I want one!" What's a Hoverbike Good For?...

Lexus Teases Smokin’ Hoverboard

Even the U.S. military has been experimenting with maglev and has built a platform based on the technology, noted Jim McGregor, Tirias Research's founder and principal analyst. Maglev products can be compared to drones -- that is, hardware that was available only to the milit...

Hyperloop Dreams May Become Concrete

"These tests will provide proof points at a reasonable cost, and will help build support for the project," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research ...

Google Takes It to the Streets

"We've seen a lot of cities doing proposals for smart lighting in which they require a full IP network for the next 10 to 20 years, noted Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research "They want to automate the city and link all the databases together so they can plan out traffic...

Synaptics Gives Spacebar Some New Touches

"You've got that physical separation created by the keyboard, so having a touchscreen, for a lot of people, just doesn't make sense," explained Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research. "Touch on the keyboard makes more sense and feels more natural," he ...

Amazon Seeks Talent for Ambitious PC Game

Whether streamed from Amazon Web Services or delivered as a download, it appears Amazon is looking toward video games to increase the value of its content-rich Prime service, according to Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "I don't think you can th...

Robots Meet DARPA Challenge Despite Pratfalls

The hardest thing for robots to do is navigate in an unknown environment, pointed out Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research "Even having a robot walk is a major challenge," he told TechNewsWorld.

Intel Buys Altera to Fulfill Moore’s Law Promise

"FPGA is one of the areas where Intel can grow its business, and this acquisition locks Altera into Intel's ecosystem," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "This is the only business [Intel] can go after that has the potential profit margins that Intel need...

Phone Companion App Lets Cortana Get Around

"iOS and Android have such a critical mass out there, it's hard to envision anyone cracking the stronghold those two have," added Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research "If Microsoft becomes a preferred platform for certain applications, it could impr...

Hush! Everybody’s Listening!

Even if the government did store captured phone and text messages, it's not likely it did anything with the data "unless you were doing something that impacted national security, or you were being monitored for illegal activity," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld...

Hackers Launch Sneak Attacks on Microsoft’s Live ID

"Most people do not consider [security] a priority," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "They may say they do when you ask them, but their actions say otherwise," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Just about everyone we've asked -- and we've spoken to hundred...

Americans Hate Surveillance, Love Privacy: Report

"Whenever we ask in our surveys how important security is, respondents say it's very important, but they tell us they're not willing to pay for it," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. Further, consumers don't pay enough attention to what data they are gi...

Apple Fiddles With MacBook Pro, iMac Features and Pricing

"I think the price drops reflect the state of the broader PC industry," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "PCS are still important to Apple and other PC OEMs, but not as important to consumers -- especially the next billion that will be connecting to th...

EM Drive Stirs Blood of Hopeful Space Explorers

It also would generate significant savings for low-Earth orbit stations, because fuel resupply missions would be reduced, and visiting vehicles wouldn't need to re-boost, lessening the stress on the station's structure and prolonging its useful life, said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research...

Faulty Taptic Engine Could Make Apple Watch Rollout Sputter

"That could be an interesting problem, because it could potentially affect not only Apple but a lot of other vendors as well," Tirias Research Principal Analyst Jim McGregor told the E-Commerce Times "Will it affect Apple or the rollout of smartwatches?" he asked. "Absolutely ...

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